How Can I Set up EyeFi?

Eyefi Wireless SD Cards with built-in WiFi - make your camera wireless. If you have an EyeFi wireless storage device in one of your image capturing devices, you can integrate this with your Systems For Dentists software. Follow the steps below to enable the integration.

Enter the Setup screen by clicking on the Systems For Dentists button in the top left hand side of your screen and then select Setup from the menu.

Now you are in the Setup screen, click the EyeFi button in the Miscellaneous section.

The following window will appear.

First of all start by checking the Enabled box, this will then make all other boxes active. The next step is to select your Monitor Folder, this is where your EyeFi storage card sends its images to. After selecting a monitor folder, select a folder you wish to save the images to (ideally this will be a shared folder on your server PC that all PC's on your network can access). Finally add in your username and password required to access your shared folder. Click Save, once you have entered all your details.

Once complete your Window will look similar to the example below.

Now that EyeFi is setup any images captured on your EyeFi wireless card will automatically pop up in the patient record that you have open at the time, you then have the option to Save the image or Cancel if you had the incorrect patient open.

Note:In order for your EyeFi card to work with SFD, you must disable the EyeFi application from putting the images into dated folders. This option is available in the software supplied with your EyeFi card.


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