How Do I Back Up My Database

In this guide we will show you how to back-up your SFD V6 Dental Software manually. It is important to note the SFD Version 6 is shipped with an automatic offline backup service click here for more information.

"Tip: SFD V6 allows you to backup the data while others are still using the system, they may see a small drop in speed but will be able to carry on as normal"

To manually backup your SFD V6 Dental Software, click on the Systems for Dentists logo in the top left hand corner of the screen.

Systems for Dentists Limited - Dental Software Sepcalists Logo

From the drop down menu select Utility

Dental Software Utility Menu Item

Click on the Backup icon under the general section and the following window will appear

Save your Dental Software Backup Database

Browse to the drive or folder you would like your backup saved into and select from the file type either compressed (*.CDB) or uncompressed (*.FDB) and click save.

Now the following window will appear and the backup is in progress. Once the process is complete you should be faced with a message stating that the backup has completed successfully.

Backup Progress screen

If you receive an error message during this process please call support on 0845 643 2727 and one of our friendly team will be more than happy to assist you.

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