How Do I Add a User to a Security Group?

Start by entering Setup within SFD.

Once you are in Setup click on the Users button as shown below.

Now click on the Groups button , this will show the list of your security groups, for information on creating new security groups please click on the following FAQ.

Click on the name of the security group you wish your user to become a member of, (in this case we have selected Receptionist / Nurse) then click on the edit button.

In this screen you are able to make changes to the permissions for this dental software security group, change its display name to something more friendly to your staff or add / remove members. In this case we wish only to add a new member, so click on the Members tab followed by the Add button.

Now simply select the member of staff from your list of displayed users and click ok, this will return you to the previous screen, with the addition of your newly added member of staff.

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