How Do I Use the Treatment Clipboard?

The treatment clipboard is a very useful tool if you know how to use it. This article will walk you through how to use this tool.

The first step is to open the treatment form you wish to book an appointment for. From the example below you can see that the patient has had an examination and has an amalgam filling scheduled for their second visit.

To add Appointment 2 to the clipboard, double click in the bar which is highlighted in the example above. The window below will appear.

Make sure the Clipboard checkbox is ticked. You can enter the duration of the appointment and can enter any notes you wish to. Once you have entered the information, click ok.

Close the treatment form and go onto the appointment book. In the left pane you can access the treatment clipboard, the appointment you just added will be present (example below).

You can now drag the appointment to the desired timeslot in your appointment book. This can save a lot of time and confusion between dentists and receptionists as the dentist can add the appointment to the treatment clipboard and this will appear at the reception for the receptionist to add the appointment to a desired timeslot.

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