How Do I Create Patient Flags

It is always useful to have patient flags relating to certain information. In your dental software you have the ability to customise patient flags within the system setup.

To access System Setup, click on the SFD button in the top left hand corner of the screen and select Setup from the dropdown menu.

Now you are within the Setup section of the program, click on the Program button (shown below).

The following window will appear, click on the Patient Flags tab.

From this window you can see the flags you already have active (symbols with a tick next to them). To activate a new flag simply check the checkbox next to the desired graphic. You can type a description into the textbox next to the checkbox. Once you have added the desired flag click Save in the bottom right hand corner of the window.

Your patient flags are now setup. To add flags to a patient's record follow the steps below.

First of all open your desired patient.

After opening your desired patient you will be on the Home Screen of their patient record.

Click on the Properties button in the top left hand corner of the screen.

You will then be presented with the following window.

Simply check the flags that you wish to associate with this particular patient.

In the example above you can see the patient is hard of hearing. Once you have selected the appropriate flags click Save in the bottom right hand corner of the window.

You can now see the flag is displayed in the patient information bar towards the top of the screen (example above).

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