The setup of the program allows you to customise virtually every aspect of your program.
How Do I Change the Available Occupations
How To Add Your Aesthetics Products to SfD
How To Add a Cancellation Request
How To Add a Dentists Qualifications to SfD
How To Add a Scribble to the First Screen of SfD
How To Add a User Shorthand
How To Add and Edit the Different Recall Types in SfD
How To Add or Edit Label Formats
How To Apply and Configure SnoMed CT Concept Codes
How To Change Your Password
How To Change the Colour Scheme
How To Create Task Categories
How To Create a Patient Related Task
How To Create and Manage Tasks
How To Edit Practice Details in SFD
How To Reset a Users Password
How To Set a Default Scheme for New Patients
How To Setup Feedback in SfD
How To Submit a Prior Approval for NHS General Dentistry in Scotland
Patient Portal
Vantage Rego
How Do I Edit or Create a User?
How Do I Edit or Create a User Group
How Can I Set Up Recalls on Treatment Completion
How Do I Activate Point Scoring on My Appointment Book?
How Do I Add Additional Appointment Reasons?
How Do I Add Additional Titles
How Do I Amend or Append the Occupations List?
How Do I Automatically Load all Doctors into SfD?
How Do I Change the Date & Time Format of My SMS Messages?
How Do I Charge a Treatment Item on Completion?
How Do I Create Additional Patient Statuses?
How Do I Create Appointment Session Types?
How Do I Create New Locations?
How Do I Create Patient Flags
How Do I Create a New Cancellation Reason?
How Do I Create a New Marketing Option?
How Do I Create a New Quick Note?
How Do I Create a New Quick Text Subfolder?
How Do I Create a Subfolder?
How Do I Create a Treatment Completion Screen?
How Do I Duplicate a Price List?
How Do I Enter the Dentist's Performer Number and Pin into the System?
How Do I Set Up Appointment Correspondence?
How Do I Set Up Laboratory Work?
How Do I Set Up Location Procedures?
How Do I Set Up Price Ranges for Dentures?
How Do I Set Up TAPI Integration With my Dental Software?
How Do I Set Up a Performer's Appointment Book?
How Do I Set Up my Computers Location?
How Do I Set Up my Email Account?
How Do I Set a Default Font for my Clinical Notes?
How Do I Setup My Treatment Quick Codes?
How To Change the Background Colour of the Appointment Book
How To Create a New Scheme
How To Enable Administrator Password for Sending SMS on Mass?
How To Enable Wide Screen Mode
How To Set Receipt Templates for Account Items
How To Set Up Text Message Recalls?
Why Can I Not Add in Treatment Items Wth a Specific Material?
How To Create a SMS Template
How To Configure Systems For Dentists in My Anti-Virus Software?
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