Scottish Dental Show 2015

Scottish Dental Show Review

After many years of operating in Scotland, we decided to market ourselves more actively in 2015. Part of our marketing strategy for Scotland was attending the Scottish Dental Show.

We were pleased to note the high levels of interest from Dentists, practice managers and other dental health care professionals over the 2 day event.

Part of our offering this year was the unveiling of our Wireless Signature Pad which will help practices go truly paperless, due to a small scale trial in Scotland we were able to demonstrate the ability to capture patient Signatures electronically on the GP17 PR forms and store them directly in the patient’s record. Though this functionality is not yet approved for general roll out in Scotland, we will update you all as soon as PSD give us a date.

UPDATE: PSD have confirmed we will be able to roll out the electronic signatures of GP17PR forms from April 1st 2016 which will allow your practice to take another step towards going truly paperless.

During the showcase we also had the pleasure of meeting with Alistair from GoodTeith and other dental software suppliers, discussing the exciting plans from PSD for their e-dental project, we are looking forward to you being able to submit prior approvals electronically and all the other efficiencies that will come with this project. Rest assured Systems for Dentists will be one of the first to release any enhancements.

In addition to the practices excited to take the opportunity of working with us, we were also delighted to welcome the New College of Lanarkshire, whom will be using SFD v6 to train their 100’s of dental nurses on computerised charting and record keeping.

This show has been a worthwhile exercise and we will certainly be returning in 2016. Our thanks go out to the team at the Scottish Dental show for all their support and organising such a special event.

Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2016.

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