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Handling large amounts of paper in your dental practice is an arduous task at best. Here at Systems for Dentists we are working hard reduce the load on our clients from the mountains of paper that are produced recording Medical Histories, FP17DC’s and Treatment Plans.

Currently your development team are working on a method of storing patients signatures against the documents you require signing.

Storing a picture of a patient’s signature is not enough, you should be able to prove that the signature is real and not duplicated, to answer this challenge we are working with products from Topaz Systems Inc leaders in the field of electronic signature and document solutions.

Our solution utilises the SignatureGem LCD, which includes all the high-quality capture features of a electronic signature pad with the added feature of an LCD interactive display, allowing users to see "electronic ink" under the pen tip as they sign as well as navigate and display text and graphics. The wide signing area and rugged tempered glass signing surface make this a versatile pad for the most demanding applications.

All patients’ signatures are captured including the biometric data associated with it. This means that your signed documents are securely stored within our database and can be produced with evidential quality.

For more exciting news from Systems for Dentists limited please come back soon, should you have any questions relating to our Practice Management Solutions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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